July 13, 2012

Starting into the Ball

Realized how important visualization is in attempting to create/change a move. I've been coming over the ball (flat shoulders) lately, hitting it on the heel etc. I also wanted to improve my extension through the ball and get more compression on the ball.

I returned to a visual I had a number of years ago and it's wonderful:

The act of the clubhead lagging behind the hands allows power to be built up from the core outwards to the clubhead. The arms stay in plane longer into the downswing, preventing wayward shots.  Solid contact is virtually assured if you lag the clubhead.

The left arm/shaft structure at the top includes a 90ยบ angle which must be held as far into the downswing as possible. To accomplish this, picture the entire left arm/shaft structure revolving around your neck and maintain this structure to impact. That is, it feels as though the structure is held to impact (and beyond?).

You’ll gain more distance if you don’t try to accelerate the clubhead into the ball. Clubhead acceleration comes after impact. Lagging the clubhead is not a block; the clubhead must eventually drop down to the ball and the clubface must eventually rotate. 

This is not visual for the beginner, but the better – medium to low hdcp – player who wants more control, more distance, more compression. This visual really works.

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